Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Alabama Welcome Center Entertainment

So, the Alabama Welcome Center was celebrating the thirty fifth year of its opening. There was all sorts of fun happening.

Many people got their face painted. Atlas wanted to paint my face before he was distracted by this guy.

His name is TOPPS which stands for Temperature Oxygen Pressure Protection Suit. He is the mascot of Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. He is a nine foot astronaut and Atlas thought he was so great.
He yelled, "Hey, look at me! I am in outer space!"


He wants to go to Space Camp and be an astronaut.
Then he met Saber Tooth.

Atlas was like, "Hey, how are you?" and he just stuffed him in his mouth! You should have heard Atlas squeal! He was not scared at all. Such a brave turtle.

She was like, "We have talked about this!" and he was like "What do you mean?"

Then he was like, "See he's all good." Atlas piped up with "Hey!"

"La La La, I have a turtle on my head!"

"Good lunch. I mean turtle!"

Saber Tooth is from the Mammoths and Mastodons: Titans of the Ice Age exhibit at the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center. Atlas is so excited about going to this exhibit. He talked me into it.

We got to meet the people from U.G. White from Athens, Alabama. If you ever get the chance to visit, I would suggest it. They have all sorts of goodies. We visited them and will tell you more in a later post.

He exclaimed that he wanted to drive it home. I had remind him that he already has a vehicle to drive. Then it was time to go.

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